Pre-assembled drainage module for quick and easy-to-use installation for heat recovery. The drainage module is suitable for removing condensed water. The Gestra drainage module QuickEM is a unit with a pipe that has been assembled, consisting of a steam trap, sightglass, check valve, stop valve, and bypass pipe. Plus all the necessary pipes, flanges, gaskets and bolts. The Gestra drainage module QuickEM Control is used for steam trap monitoring and is equipped with electrodes either in the steam trap itself or in the test room. The QuickEM assembly consists of two or three shut off valves, one BK, MK or UNA type steam trap, one sightglass, one RK wafer type non-return valve as well as pipes and all required flanges, flange gaskets and bolts.
Counterflanges with bolts and gaskets are not part of the shipment. QuickEM Control is designed for electronic condensate monitoring. Instead of a sightglass, the NRG 16 gauge electrode was installed as a sensor for electronic condensate monitoring. If the QuickEM Control assembly is equipped with steam traps of type BK 45, MK 45 and UNA 4, NRG 16 gauge electrodes, then they can be installed directly in the steam trap. If the QuickEM Control assembly is equipped with steam traps type BK 15, MK 25 una UNA 1 NRG 16 measuring electrode, then the installation process is carried out in the VKE test room. QuickEM and QuickEM Control are available for horizontal or vertical installation. Note that QuickEM Control with the UNA trap type is only available for horizontal installation! QuickEM and QuickEM Control are available with or without bypass line.
Gestra Steam Trap Drainage Module QuickEM Gestra Steam Trap Drainage Module QuickEM Control PRODUK : Check Valve Ball Float Steam Traps Pressure Reducing Valve
Preassembled steam trap module with the recommended additional valves Saves time on installation Keeps installation errors to a minimum Also available without bypass QuickEM-Control with integrated monitoring electrode Standardised lengths For horizontal or vertical installation Also available in stainless steel
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Gestra Drainage Module QuickEM | Aquametro | Ari Armaturen | Asahi | Beru | Condor | Danfoss | DelVal | Dungs | Dungs |
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