Italpump Gas Pressure Regulators is a tool for adjusting the pressure of gas and air outlets using a regulation screw as a pressure regulating device. This tool is equipped with several safety devices, a compact design, and is reliable and suitable for use in household and industrial installations.
Italpump Gas Regulator type IR0 Italpump Gas Regulator type IR1-2 Italpump Gas Regulator type IR3-5 Italpump Gas Regulator type IR5 32-100 Italpump Gas Regulator type IRZ
EC certifi ed according to EN 88-2 In conformity with the 2009/142/EC Directive (Gas Directive) In conformity with the 94/9/EC Directive (ATEX Directive) In conformity with the 97/23/EC Directive (PED Directive)
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