ADCA Control Valve

ADCA Control Valve ADCA Control Valve ADCA Control Valve ADCA Control Valve ADCA Control Valve ADCA Control Valve ADCA Control Valve
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ADCA Control Valve is designed to ensure accurate control under any process conditions. Its wide application range allows the use of these valves with the most common process fluids such as water, superheated water, steam, air, gases and other non-corrosive liquids. We have stocks product of ADCA Control Valve with the following type.
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Valsteam ADCA

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Control Valve

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The PV25 control valves are single seated, two-way body constructed with in-line straight connections. The PA pneumatic actuator is rubber diaphragm and multi-springs. Its action can be DA – direct action (air to close) or RA – reverse action (air to open). The PV25 valves have been designed to assure an accurate control in any process condition. Their wide application ranges allow the use of this valve with the most common process fluids such as water, superheated water, steam, air, gas and other non corrosive fluids.


Adca Control Valve PV25 (EN) -  

    Adca Control Valve PV25G - SG iron
    Adca Control Valve PV25S - Cast steel
    Adca Control Valve PV25I - Stainless steel

Adca Control Valve PV25 (ANSI) -  

    Adca Control Valve PV25S - cast steel

Adca Control Valve V25 (EN) -  

    Adca Control Valve V25G - SG iron
    Adca Control Valve V25S - Cast steel

Adca Control Valve PV25 – ON-OFF -  

    Adca Control Valve PV25G-OF - SG iron
    Adca Control Valve PV25I-OF - stainless steel

Adca Control Valve PV25 Threaded -  

    Adca Control Valve PV25S - carbon steel
    Adca Control Valve PV25I - stainless steel


    Position transmitter 4-20 mA.
    Pneumatic pilot positioner.
    Electropneumatic pilot positioner.
    Air filter regulator.
    Top-work manual handwheel.
    Stainless steel construction.
    Soft sealing and stellite seat and plug.
    Perforated low noise plug.
    Bellows seal (DN 125 and 150 only).
    Stainless steel construction.
    Saturated and superheated steam.
    Hot and superheated water.
    Air, gases and other non-corrosive fluids.
    Group 1 fluids (consult factory)